10 Best workouts to build size and strength and prevent Back pain - Fitness Club

               Hello Guys welcome to my another blog. This time we discuss about most important part of our body. As we all know a strong back gives us a good posture and protect us from injuries. So in this blog I will let you know 10 Best workouts to build size and strength and prevent Back pain, best back exercises, how to get a good back posture and how to prevent back pain.

10 Best back exercises
10 Best back exercises

                        Back exercises are any type of exercises performed on muscles within the back or on muscles that affect the back. The muscles of the back include the large muscles on either side of the back (latissimus dorsi), the lower back (erector spinae), and the upper back (rhomboids and trapezius).

                      The purpose of back exercises is to strengthen the back muscles so they can best protect the spine (vertebral column), which helps to physically support the upper body and to offer protection for the spinal cord.

                       Consequently, a strong back provides for better overall health and fitness to the entire body. Generally, back exercises are used in strength training to strengthen all of the muscles of the back, or to target certain muscles within the back that are causing pain or various problems.

                       The back consists of many muscles, some small in size, and others much larger. The smaller ones are used to facilitate the movement of the upper limbs and the spine. When performing back exercises the three main muscles in the back that receive the most benefit are the latissimus dorsi, the erector spinae, and the trapezius. They are the three primary muscles that increase in strength and size when performing back exercises.

10 Best workouts to build size and strengthen Back

  • 1. Chin ups
  • 2. Reverse chin ups
  • 3. Deadlifts
  • 4. Lat pull-downs
  • 5. Seated Rows
  • 6. One arm dumbbell Rows
  • 7. Bent over Row
  • 8. Dumbbells Bent over rows
  • 9. Dumbbell shrugs
  • 10. Barbell shrugs

1. Chin ups

10 Best back exercises

Muscle : Latissimus Dorsi

Step 1 - Choose a suitable weight, then kneel Dr. Stand on the platform and grip the  habdles. Keep your abdominals and lower back muscles strong and slowly extend your arms until they are fully stretched Make sure that you keep your shoulders down and retracted slightly back this will help to keep the tension on your back muscles.

Step 2 - Keeping the movement under control and your elbows pulled down and back pull yourself back up to the start position. Repeat for the desired number of reps

2. Reverse chin ups

10 Best back exercises

Muscle : Latissimus Dorsi

Step 1 - Start by hanging from the bar with arms fully extended overhead. Your legs can be bent, straight or crossed behind you.

Step 2 - Pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar. Hold, the lower yourself to starting position. You can add weight to make it more difficult by a weight belt or by holding a dumbbell between your feet.

3. Deadlifts

10 Best back exercises

Muscle : Latissimus Dorsi

Step 1 - Stand with your feet hip-distance apart and bend down in sitting motion until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Keep your back straight and make sure that your spine is as close to the neutral position as possible. Take an overhand grip on the bar with your hands slightly wider than a shoulder-width apart.

Step 2 - Exhale, draw your abdominal muscles in , and lift the bar by pushing up throliga your legs.

Step 3 - As the bar reaches your knees during the lift phase , push your hips forward to raise your torso so that you are standing tall with your arms by your sides and the bar resting on your thighs.

Step 4 - Hold the position for two seconds, inhale and return the weight to the floor.

4. Lat pull-downs

10 Best back exercises

Muscle : Latissimus Dorsi

Step 1 - Sitting on a bench grab a bar with a false overhand thumb on the same side as your fingers shoulder-width grip.

Step 2 - As you pull your shoulder blades together and down, while sticking your chest out, pull the bar to your chest. Then, pause with the bar an inch or so from your chest, and slowly let it rise to where it began. Throughout, keep your chest out.

5. Seated Rows

10 Best back exercises

Muscle : Latissimus Dorsi

Step 1 - Place your feet on the platform, keeping. A slight bend in your knees and making your posture"tall". Grasp the handles and extend your back forward while keeping your shoulders slightly retracted, and then pull your elbows in and back towards the sides of your torso the handles should come all the way in until it reaches your navel.

Step 2 - Hold the position for a second before returning back out, keeping the movement under control: your arms returning to the extended position, your back going slightly forward; and with your knees slightly bent.

6. One arm dumbbell Rows

10 Best back exercises

Muscle : Latissimus Dorsi

Step 1 - Use your non-dominant hand to hold dumbbell, while placing your dominant hand and knee on a bench, as illustrated.

Step 2 - Keep your back flat as you let the dumbbell hang down to your side so your arm lines up just in front of your shoulder.

Step 3 - Pull the dumbbell upward and back toward your hip while keeping your elbow close to your body. Focus on using your upper - back muscles in doing this motion. Pause, then slowly return to the starting position.

7. Bent over Row

10 Best back exercises

Muscle : Latissimus Dorsi

Step 1 - With your feet shoulder- width apart and your knees bent roughly, keep your torso straight with a slight arch in your back as you Lean forward at the hips. Your torso should be, at this point, roughly parallel to the floor.

Step 2 - Slowly retract your shoulder blades as to have the bar pull up to the lower part of your sternum. Try not to use your arm muscles, and focus on getting most activity out of your middle back muscles.

Step 3 - Pause at the top where your chest should be sticking out towards the bar. Then, slowly return to the starting position while keeping your torso in the same position throughout the movement.

8. Dumbbells Bent over rows

10 Best back exercises

Muscle : Latissimus Dorsi

Step 1 - Hold pair of dumbbells and hold forward at your waist, but keep your back flat. Have your arms extended straight downward with palms facing in towards one another.

Step 2 - Lift the dumbbells up to the sides of your chest and return them to their extended start position while keeping your back stable and straight throughout.

9. Dumbbell shrugs

10 Best back exercises

Muscle : Trapezius

Step 1 - Stand upright and hold two fairly heavy dumbbells at your sides, with your palms facing each other (neutral grip).

Step 2 - Keep your shoulders relaxed shrug your shoulders as if you were trying to touch them to your ears.

Step 3 - Hold the top most position, then gradually lower them to the Starting position. Do not bend your elbows or shift your head forward during the motion. Repeat.

10. Barbell shrugs

10 Best back exercises

Muscle : Trapezius

Step 1 - Stand upright and hold two fairly heavy barbell at your sides, with your palms facing each other(neutral grip).

Step 2 - Keep your shoulders relaxed shrug your shoulders as if you were trying to touch them to your ears.

Step 3 - Hold the top most position, then gradually lower them to the Starting position. Do not bend your elbows or shift your head forward during the motion . Repeat.

Some important question about back exercises

Q1. What are the 3 best back workouts?
A-  3 Best back workouts are chin ups, weight lifting, and one arm dumbbell Rows.  In my opinion these are the best back exercises.

Q2. How do you train your back muscles?
A- Simply we have to put weight to grow our specific muscles. We have to work on our core to strengthen our back. So just follow the given exercises which help you to train your back muscles.

Q3. Do pushups work back?
A- Yes, push ups helps both front core and back core strengh. And it also helps for a great posture.

     That's all for today's blog. One important thing we have to think about our body that for balance our body we have to work on our whole body not only biceps and abs. Back is our main part of our body which bears all our body weight. That's why we have to work on back exercises to get a good posture and strengthen our back.

      Follow these given exercises and let us know is it helping you or not by comment below. 

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